Originally Posted by Trescom
If the scrolling speed is too slow for you, you can always change it in scrolltopcontrol.js file. Edit that file and in the 11th line you will find:
setting: {startline:1000, scrollto: 0, scrollduration:1000, fadeduration:[500, 100]},
Text i've selected on red is the speed you can play with. Maybe changing the speed will help a little bit. Just lower the number (default is 1000) and check it.
At the moment the users of my site they don't complain so it's fine, but still I notice slow down with smoothwheel (not the function of the addon, this one runs pretty well, but the scroll with entire page..).
By the way, I've make a buton less showy and with transparency.
To use it replace new buton and find in scrolltopcontrol.js:
PHP Code:
'<img src="up.png" style="width:48px; height:48px" />',
PHP Code:
'<img src="up.png" style="width:60px; height:15px" />',