Hi Jelle and thank you for the nice hack, hanging around for the web I found this mod, that seems like downloadsII, but with the ability to host remotely the files.. it has in the ACP options to set up an ftp connection to host the files on another server and the option to retrive them from a given HTTP link.
This would solve one big problem in DownloadsII, the file size limitation that most of us have on their server when uploading files via HTTP, and the ability to host the vbulletin script on a fast and expensive server for taking care of mysql queries, page generation and all the rest, and use a cheap remote server with bigger hard drive space just as a file vault.
Are you interested in implenting it in the next version?
I dont know if I can post the file here, kindly let me know if I can send you the file via email.
Thank you for your time and keep up the good work!!