Mistakes happen

. Also on line 60 of
product-gamercardprofile.xml you have an error. You are pointing to
$add = '<iframe src=\"http://gamercardprofile.xbox.com/$userinfo['.$vbulletin->options['gamertag_profile_field'].'].card\" scrolling=\"no\"
and it should be:
$add = '<iframe src=\"http://gamercard.xbox.com/$userinfo['.$vbulletin->options['gamertag_profile_field'].'].card\" scrolling=\"no\"
http://gamercardprofile.xbox.com isn't an active URL. Other then that, great mod.

I haven't been able to get the hover mod to work just yet but I have a custom theme, so that is most likely my issue. Once I figure it out I will post a solution so everyone will know what to do. Thank you for this mod, it really is nice!