Originally Posted by Trana
Its a bit childish to think that you have any sort of copyright control over a button style that you copied from another site. Not only that, but the button is just a colored box with generic text on top of it, you have no ownership or rights to the content at all, its not significantly different than anything else out there and you can't claim any ownership.
All you're doing is slowing people down. What intellectual property do you have in the PSDs? The color of the layer or the size of the font? 
If you don't like it, don't install it.
Also, if you know anything about design, you would realise these buttons are not exact replicas of the facebook buttons, they are close copies created from the ground up by me.
If vBulletin.org does not have an issue with a button set released months ago and does not think it represents a copyright violation of facebook's intellectual property, then why do you have an issue with it?
Just because you might think that these buttons are simplistic in nature, does not mean that they were created in only a few minutes or that they are direct copies from the facebook website. It took many hours to get the right combination of font, color and size necessary to make them. Because i created these buttons i have the right to consider them my work, and
according to the rules of this website, release them as i see fit.
If you don't like the way I release buttons, or anything else to do with my work, please feel free to create your own button sets, release then with no copyright and allow the many people that wish to download them to do so.
It's people like you that make designers hesitate when releasing
FREE graphical items for the public. It's no wonder there are so few designers on this website when they have to deal with selfish people like you who consider their work to be a right of the public domain instead of a privilege.