Originally Posted by chickendippers
This is a great addon, I love it and have been using it for ages. My site is getting popular and I'm getting a lot of bandwidth usage so I'm looking at the bandwidth limit features.
If I set a download allowance for the Unregistered user group, will that apply to ALL unregistered users. Or will each unregistered user get their own allowance?
For example, if I set a daily limit of 100Mb and one unregistered user downloads a 100Mb file, will the next unregistered user be able to download?
Thanks in advance!
If everything is working correctly (which I hope is true

), allowances for registered users apply to the username but allowances for unregistered users to the IP address. So, one unregistered user will not affect another unless they happen to be using the same computer/accidently share the same IP address.
A side effect is that unregistered users can get themselves a new allowance by going to a new computer, but we felt this was an acceptable compromise. (The other side effect, which is that registered users can get a new allowance by signing up for multiple accounts, can be partially prevented by selecting the 'Count all accesses from user's IP address against that user's allowances' box on the allowances admin page.)