Originally Posted by al3bed
I don't know why you still get errors even when you completely removed the product then installed it again (without any errors during the installation process)?! if you insist, try to modify plugin 'adsense [algdeer.net] options' you may find the missing bracket there. this is the only plugin used includes/adminfunctions_options.php file.
I scanned through for 10 mins, doesn't seem to have anything wrong with it..
This is inside:
if($vbulletin->options['ain_adsense_enable'] AND $vbulletin->options['ain_adsense_client'] == ''){
print_table_header("Google Adsense",1);
echo "<tr><td class=\"alt1\">
publisherid is empty. <font color=\"red\"><strong>ads will not work until you update it.</strong></font> please visit <a href=\"options.php?do=options&dogroup=ain_adse nse_ads\">ads setup options page</a> to update it
print_table_footer(1, '', '', 0);
On top of that, I don't think it has anything to do with why the things won't appear correctly in my ads manager right?