time now, timezone's questions
in a custom page, when someone add something (maybe a comment system), it adds to database current server time using TIMENOW
on my server..time zone is GMT +07.00
so it add to mysql db that +7 time
now the problem is...when that time retrives from DB it shows time in that +7 format
no matter if the user's timezone is GMT or GMT -5 or anything. it always show time +7 format.
example- if an artical is added at 10.00am (GMT)...it will be add in database like 5.00pm (as my server is +7 )
then if a user (who is using GMT-5) browse that comment next day...he sees Added on yesterday at 5.00pm (but he shud see 5.00am as he is using gmt-5)
now how can i solve it? ....(i cant change server time)
i heard about vbdate function although i dont know anything about it. it might be useful.
ps: DST also shud be worked