3 forums with shared sub forums
Hi, so I asked this question from the vBulletin people and I was told to post on the vBulletin.com forums, I posted there and was told to post here, so here I am. :-D
I plan to have 3 buttons on my website that direct people to different forums. I would like these forums to have sub forums relevant to the topic that the user had clicked on using the main page of my website. I would also like to have a sub forum on these 3 forums that share the section with one another. It was also suggested that I create 3 different user groups, so the user would have to register first and choose which forum they would like to see, but I would like unregistered users to have the option to click on 1 of these 3 forums and be directed to the forum they desire without having to register first. As of right now I have one license that I have purchased from vBulletin, would I need two more.
An example that I have seen done is: m3post.com and e90post.com, these two forums have their own sub forums but also share a sub forum.
I'm not sure if that makes much sense, so maybe this will help.
1st Forum
1st Sub forum
3rd Sub forum (Shared with forum 2/3)
2nd Forum
1st Sub forum
3rd Sub forum (Shared with forum 1/3)
3rd Forum
1st Sub forum
3rd Sub forum (Shared with forum 1/2)
Any help would be appreciated.