Originally Posted by ghealy44
OK i was finally able to get it working. I had to switch servers to get it working.
my question now is how to get my wordpress header to show up on top of my vbulletin header.
Basically I am trying to make the forums a page in my wordpress template, or at least have it look like it is.
Its all CSS and templates. Just copy the header code from wordpress and paste it into vbulletin. How hard can that be? But its not simple as it sounds, you need to do a lot of tweaking. However be aware not all templates can be integerated this way. There will be CSS conflicts. I provide this service however for a fee. But you can try yourself. If you dont have luck, feel free to PM/MSN me.
Originally Posted by ericdesmontagne
Hello, after i remove the plugging, use reset, and reinstall it, i have the same problem...
When i post a message in word press with admin user, it is shown in the vb forum... so it is OK...
But i cannot login wordpress with any vbulletin user account even if plugin is turned on, and enable ?!?
Is there a way to completely remove the mod, and to reinstall is properly ?
Wordpress : http://www.baldursgateworld.fr/dao/
vBulletin : http://www.baldursgateworld.fr/lacouronne/
Thank you for you help 
Yes there is. Delete all files first then go to phpmyadmin and search for tables starting with vbb_ in the WP database. delete them all. Then re install it! I just posted this few posts up...