Originally Posted by MandachuvA
Install a higher level xml.
Originally Posted by snappy1313
If it's in beta, should I have downloaded the previous version?
As you like. With the newest beta you can try new feature. If you prefer the last stable release, install it.
Originally Posted by snappy1313
1: The Experience link on my navbar is going to a 404 page not found. Everything else looks to be running fine. Doublechecked each and every folder/file in the upload folder as well. Any suggestions?
Are you using a subfolder? Can you try to call the xperience.php?
Originally Posted by snappy1313
2. db error
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
COUNT(id) as cnt_images,
SUM(views) as sum_views
FROM pp6_photos
WHERE userid=1
GROUP BY userid;
MySQL Error : Table 'pnoo_forum.pp6_photos' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Love this mod and can't wait to work these issues out!
Do you have the plugin for photopost installed? Please check the XML and replace the DB prefix with your own.
Originally Posted by doubleclick
Hello -
I just finished reading the first 33 pages to find this, and still not luck. I hope you haven't already answered this.
1. I've been fiddling with a lot of point values to get to adjust point values. As a result, many of my members are wondering why they lost 45,000 points, 2600 points, etc. Is there a way for me to clear history of these wild fluctuations and set them to start on a particular day?
Check activities, details. There you have a detailed list of what happened. You cannot re-start with 0 points.
Originally Posted by doubleclick
2. I don't have any Infractions to keep track of. How can I remove the "Infractions" Tab on their profile page?
Disable the infractions system. It's not part of vBExperience.
Originally Posted by DarkArmada
I gotta say, nice work. I tried the Beta 2 and it failed on my board terribly. Installed the latest Beta and so far so good. I can see the differences in the promotion system and although I had to hit recount multiple times to push people up the promotions ladder, it worked flawlessly.
Nice work 
Nice to hear
Originally Posted by BWJ
Regarding the setting: Latest achievements
In the admin panel: Displays only the last x Achievements of the user (postbit, profile). Lets say we choose = 5.
Problem: If you have a user having 6 or more achievements - the software will:
In the profile navbar -> latest news = correct result -> the system shows the achievements in a rolling fashion.
In the postbit and profile block -> latest achievements = not correct result -> the system shows the achievements according to how their parent achievement category is positioned (display order).
Suggestion: Besides making it rolling for postbit and profile block: In the profile block make a 'view more/all' setting. It is nice to see them all together at one place - but not if it fills up the whole profile window. So e.g. show the latest 5 and then a "view more".
Noted on todo list.