Originally Posted by analog-x
This weekend I upgraded from vBulletin 3.5.1 to 3.8.4 my current v3Aracde is v1.0.6
The instructions talk about upgrading from 3.0.x and 3.6.x but nothing in between/
So how I upgrade my vbulletin 3.5.1 / v3arcade 1.0.6 to 1.1.1 ?
Originally Posted by analog-x
ok so now that I've upgraded my vBulletin from 3.5.1 to 3.8.4 the arcade trophy and options to challenge someone are not showing up in the main forum.
I want to upload the latest version and import the xml but I'm afraid to break it more than it is, has anyone done this?
To upgrade to the current Gold versions, 1.1.1, just follow the instructions in the 'read me' file... unless you have some hacks or other custom changes, you should be able to just upload all of the files from the /forums folder to the same folder where you have your vBulletin installed and then import the product XML in your ACP.
Don't forget to click 'Installed'.
Originally Posted by rootsxrocks
It would be nice to have some direction to more games, and the opportunity to purchase the rights to use them.
Id love to add farkle and other premium games, and Im willing to pay for them.
For more games, you'll want to keep an eye out for when v3A 2.0.0 is released. v3A has been completly re-worked for integration with MochiGames.
Originally Posted by rootsxrocks
Id also like to know how I can get vbcredits to charge a fee for playing . Ill slip back over the paid licence area for more.
Check this thread over at vBCredits.com.
Originally Posted by rootsxrocks
Individual games . I have had trouble with posting scores, but overall the hack works as expected.
If you can repeat the problem with specific games, please report it over at v3Arcade.com so we can try to duplicate it. If it can be duplicated, it can be fixed.
Originally Posted by rootsxrocks
Im just wondering if some of our favorite developers , havn't been issued the beta 4 and are off in programmer land making there hacks and mods work with the new version.
As a few seem to be MIA
If they were off in 'programmer land' playing with vB4 alpha/beta and starting to work on their hacks & mods, then they couldn't talk about it because it would be against the terms of the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that they all had to sign.
Originally Posted by 502Throttle
I tried this and my users with neg rep still cant use the arcade.
Nobody has reported this one before. If you don't mind, could you please submit the problem over at v3Arcade.com so it can be sure to get looked at?