I just think it would be hard from a coders standpoint if throughout the entire 4.x series the code is getting refactored. It sounds like more of a hassle then anything else really.
If between 4.1 --> 4.2 a good chunk of code changes how many coders here will want to keep developing the same mods over and over and over to work with the new code base?
This is the part that I am not getting...if someone upgraded now, with their old 3.x license they are kinda screwed because of the heavy code changes throughout the series....they HAVE to upgrade. If you paid for the upgrade now you could potentially have to upgrade your board every few months with new code there by loosing most of your mods and maybe even having to change code within your themes.
It really doesn't sound like a good option at all especially for the coders here that would have to keep up on each refactor of code that VB puts out. They are better off just waiting till the whole thing is rewritten and start writing their mods. Which is what should have happened anyways....
It seems like the best option is just to wait till VB5....