Originally Posted by Bubble #5
How do you add images under advertisements?
When we added the link to the image, all that showed up was the link (in text form) 
Originally Posted by decca87
hi use html code i.e <a href="http://yoursite.com/"><img src="http://www.yoursite.com/your pic 150x150.gif" border="0" alt="whatever text you want "></a>
or upload your image to photobucket or who ever and get the html code from there
Decca87 got it. You can also add a series that rotates thru several images by incorporating the iFrames mod into this one. Here's how it looks:
http://hearts4horses.net/member_forum/upload. Just let me know if you want to do something like that with your images and I can post the code that we use. Then all you'll need to do is replace the image stuff (like what Decca 87 showed) with yours.