I've worked out quite a few bugs that were in the system. Most people figure pNews is like phpNuke, in ways it is. But its roots lay in newspro. When I first started developing pNews about a year ago I was tired of trying to make newspro work with a forum to make a comment link. So I found out about php and started learning it, and here I am a year later

Ok ok I know what your thinking, what does this have to do with anything? Well first off you can run pNews similar to the way you run PluhNews. You just make a php file and include a couple files and add one line of php code and it includes your news. All tho yes it does come with a theme system, its not required (all tho you do have to include the base theme files for it to display the news, they are theme.class.php and theme.subclass.php. They are just class files that hold the table html.) Well enough rambling for now. Gotta get some sleep