I found out how to change the mixpod styles replace the old embed with this
<embed src="http://assets.myflashfetish.com/swf/mp3/fetish-mp3player.swf?myid=$userinfo[fieldx]" quality="high" wmode="transparent" flashvars="mycolor=000000&mycolor2=545454&mycolor3 =ffffff&autoplay=true&rand=0&f=4&vol=100&pat=0&gra d=true" width="219" height="35" name="myflashfetish" salign="TL" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" border="0" style="visibility:visible;width:219px;height:200px;" /><br></embed>
field x is your mixpod playlist field if you want to change it to other players what you do is the following.
1) log in to mixpod and change your player
2) save and get code
3) search in the code for .swf (this is the flash file) replace link in the top bar for example you would replace the one in the red
4) edit the blue fields to fit your profiles pages as needed blue is width and height