Originally Posted by cheat-master30
Can I be honest here? Gaming is an INCREDIBLY saturated niche to set up a forum for.
The gaming niche is saturated with a lot of trash sites run by people who have little to almost no real gaming experience. Someone picks up a game, plays it for a few months, considers themselves a pro, and opens a site.
My suggestion - you better think long and hard about opening a gaming site. Its a very difficult niche to get into, its saturated with junk sites, and very few "quality" sites.
You might be thinking, "well, I will just open a quality site then." My next question is - how much experience do you "really" have? Can you write articles that span 10+ years of gaming? How about 15+ years? Can you take Doom, and compare it to Left 4 Dead from real hands on experience? Can you analyze a game, compare it to others that have been released over the past 10 - 15 years and post a quality write up?
Here is the
gaming forum I have been working on for the past year.
I started playing console games back in the mid 1980s and got into PC gaming with Doom and Diablo in the mid 1990s. Even with posting all kinds of articles, I still can not get any real traffic to my blog/forum.
To get noticed in gaming, you better have hours, upon hours of free time to produce videos, go to expos where the latest games are being shown, do interviews, give away free games for contest, do hardware reviews, produce walk throughs,,,,,,,,,.
The gaming nichs is probably the toughest I have ever tried to get into. And that is with 25 - 30 years of gaming experience.