I am learning slowly.. on how to do stuff like this.. and hopefully one day I can actually help wajones more than I do.. by maybe helping make the code more efficient.. or releasing all my addons and stuff that I am farting around with on a daily basis.. hehe
kind of glad I quit MetLife.. I get more work done.. hey I have even caugth myself doing college homework!.. always wondered what the teacher was talking about.. and what was past the cover of those books they gave me
and.. I agree a lot of people (including me a long time ago) had to rely solely on the vb greats.. like tubedogg, firefly as of lately... freddie, well the developers, moderators.. and anyone who has posted in the vb hacks with their releases (did not want to add a full list of names hehe)
I have bought 4 books on php and mysql.. and have learned a lot from them... which is great.. hopefully I can be of more use..