The home page is too wide and breaks the frame at 1024X768
In the right block of the homepage - there is a block whos background color and font color are so close to each other I can not read the text.
Oh wow, the forum is really messed up. The background colors and the font colors do not have enough contrast in them. Its almost impossible to read a lot of the text.
The width of the forum breaks the frame with a screen resolution of 1024X768. It looks like the forum was designed for 1284X1024?
It looks like you cater to the console gamers, because I do not see a single PC gaming section.
The header section is way too big, it takes up the entire screen.
The header image is way too big - 1023px × 121px and 224.21 KB. The entire home page should not be over 100kb. And just your header image is 224.21 KB - more then twice the recommended size for the entire page.
There seems to be some invisible padding or spacing that is causing the frame to break.
The entire site needs to be redone to fit in either make it a flexible width or fit in 800X600 or 1024X768 screen resolution.
The home page needs a new header, one that is a LOT smaller in size.
The background color and text need more contract so they are easier to read.
This site breaks a lot of rules on basic website development. Starting with the colors and being able to read it.