Hi everyone!
Wonder if someone could help me! I've gone through the stages I'm supposed to do to install vBexperience Shop however I'm stuck! Here are the instructions:
"How to implement Shop Items that can be downloaded after purchased.
1. Install vBExperience, enable shop.
2. Install LDM Links And Download Manager or DownloadsII
3. Install either ZIP\extras\Addons\download_files_shop_ldm.xml or ZIP\extras\Addons\download_files_shop_downloadsII. xml. Depends of which downloadsystem you have installed.
4. Upload the download content. Memorize the LinkID!
5. AdminCP, Experience, Manage Shop, Add Category/Edit items
6. Depending of the downloadsystem you have to enter the numerical LinkID into the correct field."
...basically I just don't understand stage no.4 ... I mean I really don't get it! It's quite embarassing as I just don't understand the instruction! Please help!