Originally Posted by nohuhu
follow-up to this error: i talked to my hoster techs, they say mysql is "going away" because such an update query takes more than a minute to complete and their cron script just kills mysql process. while i think it's a problem on mysql side - i cannot imagine why simple update request in a memory table could take this much time - i tried to replicate this problem and found that it appears after an user downloads some file and stays on the entry page for some time. can it be of any help?
As far as I know, this is actually a configuration setting in MySQL - a few people have reported it over the years. I think it is *wait_timeout*, which by default is 28800 seconds. Some sites set this to a much smaller value, and this is when the error message starts to appear.
I think you are almost correct with your diagnosis - if the physical download takes longer than the timeout setting, then the database connection has gone away before vbulletin can carry out its close down procedures. Maybe there's some fix I could apply inside LDM - there is a warning message generated if the value is less than 10 seconds - but it has not seemed serious.