Thank you for this awesome mod!
I have this weird problem, and would be grateful if someone could help me sort it out.
I have entered the ID's of the post icons I want to use for the welcome thread when it is generated. However, the mod seems to not recognize them and uses its own icons. And yes, I am sure that I am entering the ID, and not the display order of the post icons.
e.g. I first entered these IDs: 28,34,24
The ID's of the icons it uses are: 2 and 3
Then I entered only 28.
Now it uses icon with ID 2.
Does the mod recognize only the first digit of the ID's entered?
On other thing, if I may mention. I have 2 separate categories of post icons. One with the default vbulletin ones and another with my own personal selection. I don't think that it should matter, since the ID of every post icon is unique, regardless of category. Still thought I'd mention it.
Hope someone can make some sense out of this. Thanks!