Some things I'm wondering. Would it be possible to ajax refresh the add new artist when adding new media? It's kinda annoying that you need to refresh, and it's nearly at the bottom as well, so it's easy to fill out everything, then add an artist, then need to refresh and do it all over again.
Currently, when you have the 'automatically play media' on, it doesn't automatically start things like youtube videos. Although I really doubt if it's even possible to play them automatically, could that be fixed?
Could 'add category' be added to the quick menu where configurations and broken links are also located?
And now I might ask something really hard, but with youtube when you insert a name, you get suggestions based on which names are already in the database. Is it somehow possible to do the same while adding or searching music?
Anyway, it's still a great addon, I like it a lot. Thanks for any replies.