Originally Posted by Belder
Over the past 2 to 3 years there have been tremendous advances in open source forum software, whereas vBulletin have pretty much sat on their corporate backsides and provided very few improvements. Most of the hacks/modifications and board styles that make vB look good are provided by third party developers who often give their work away for free here.
Just where is vBulletin going to be if they price these people out of the market? I for one have absolutely no intention of paying vBulletin/Jelsoft ever again, and I'll use what's left of my existing owned licence to port my work to open source . . . phpBB, MyBB etc.
i have to agree... the draw to vbulletin was never because of blog and other stuff in this vbulletin suite.
most people like vbulletin because of the third party mods, large forum owner community for exchange of ideas... and of course Vbulletin's support & updates (somewhat)
besides, the offer doesnt seem enticing enough for existing users to re-subscribe and they are forcing us to take up the offer in 2 weeks.
granted, the new vbulletin suite looks promising and a 1 time payment to ensure security updates for the entire 4.0 suite. however, how can vbulletin license holders be sure that the new software is really so good that third party modifications cannot rival? we already have vbadvanced which is quite a simple free-add on to use and article forums as a free third party mod. the keyword here is "free" if you havent noticed. this huge upgrade fee is something serious to ponder over.
prefer the old pricing and hope vbulletin will reconsider all that we've mentioned...