Originally Posted by Lynne
Use <base url="url to directory"> in your <head> (google it if you don't know what it does or how to use it)
Aren't you using vbulletin's templates for the page? If so, and you include the headinclude template, you will get the css file also.
Hi Lynne,
Brilliant!!! Thank you for your help. It was just what I needed to jog the gray matter.
Yes, sure enough, adding <base href="$vbpoptions[bburl]/" /> to the template head did the trick for problem one.
The solution to problem two was staring me in the face inside the headinclude template:
$style[css] -- is the include for VB's main CSS file.
I can't use the headinclude template as is because the meta data is for the syndication content is unknown to VB. It is passed to my Plugin's template via XML from my content syndication server.
Thanks again!