Originally Posted by cobaku
how can i disable tagging of all numbers
like 735 846 etc
and also in url like www , blast.jpg (blast), domainname
and html code or bbcode like center url
Ignored words for tags propositions 1*,2*,3*,4*,5*,6*,7*,8*,9*,0*, www
seems to be not working
do i need to delete and recrate all my tags for it
Ignored words doesn't support * and cause of performance it will not support it.
I added in TODO list to make option for not adding numbers to propositons. But now I have lot of other tasks (working on vBET3.0.0
http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/forum/) so I cannot tell when new release will come.
Now you can disable proposition quarantine, so no new tags will be created automatically (of course existing one will still be applied to threads). Also you can disable proposition before it came out quarantine time. And at the end if tag was already created you can just delete tag.