A user of mine recently got an email from our system.
It must be coming from a mod but my guess it's something I uninstalled a while ago, because I can't find this even in the language system.
This is the email the user got:
Hello username,
We recently sent you an email and it bounced back to us as
"undeliverable". If you recently changed your email address you may have
forgotten to update your profile. Please update your email address so that
you won't miss any important updates from us in the future.
To update your email address,
Please note: In order to temporarily fix this issue, we had to turn off
the following settings for your account:
. Receive Email from Administrators
. Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages
. Receive Email from Other Members
. Email Notification for Thread Subscriptions (if any existed)
. Email Notification for forum Subscriptions (if any existed)
If you want to turn any back on, you may do so from within your UserCP.
Thank you,
Which mod is able to do this?