Originally Posted by ChandlerDog
Great I got this to work! Looks Good!
1st you must upload 2.5.1 then upload the upgrade files in 2.5.3 and then import xml document product-kbank. That how I got it to work anyway.
Good Luck.
I'm using this on a sports betting web site for fun and games and need to figure this out 100%
Now how do I get the BookieHack working I imported it as product but can't seem to find it?
The plugin is only the bridge between Bookie and kBank. You need to install Bookie itself before you can get it to work
Originally Posted by ThePimp
Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in [path]/kbank/functions.php on line 1600
You do not have enough kBank Administration Permission!
I get this error when I try to access the kBank Manager. My AdminID is set in Edit Settings and is correct.
I installed 2.5.1, then upgraded to 2.5.3
Please take a screenshot of your options page (in AdminCP)
Originally Posted by TheChaosFactor
Can this be made to work with the Gameroom mod?
Please give me the url to Gameroom mod
Originally Posted by songoibiza
hellow , i have a problem with the Auction mode.
i create the items , but, whith the admin acount i can see de items, i have in Auction ready , but i can bid in it.
it sey i have no permision,,,(these with te admin acount logged), because with the normal users , directly , they dont see the items in Auction place , only see the normal anuncements
any solution??
i,m using vb 3.7.4
company can place bid. Administrators can see but can't bid. Members can't see bidding items at all
Originally Posted by mcyates
installed and posted a thread to test it and i didn't get any money, Set it to give 5 for a new thread. I'm still on 0.
Please notice that there are global point options and forum point options. If you change the global options, please check forum options (in Forum Manager)