<font size="3">PS: Online translators do wonders.</font>
What this Addon makes:
This Addon changes the view of the PN system completely!!
The PN supplement Addon of Stoebi is integrated.
No control center more in the PN system. Answer no "automatic quotation more" in that. (Would thank @ragtek) PN course directly under the message. (Thanks @ragtek) Standartmäßig is the message pursuit act fourth. Standartmäßig is the copy of the PN act fourth. New PN with Blink Icon emphasized.
Reference of a new PN in the forum. Completely new view.
(Message pursuit is presently postal service exit & postal service exit is stored; it on that is worked both together gain)
Test before the installation:
Are following Templates originals? (must original be)
pm_message cunning pm_messagelistbit pm_messagelistbit_ignore pm_messagelist_periodgroup pm_newpm pm_receipts
pm_receiptsbit pm_showpm pm_trackpm pm_editfolders
If the PN supplement Addon installs, zumindets must be made the Template changes rückgänig!
Update on 1.4
1st product file product-rth_pn_system" in the ACP under 'Add ons & plagued in that / Add ons administer' import (transferring).
Import (transferring) 2nd TMS file: templateedits-rt_pn_system".
Newly installation:
Carry out please all changes:
1St upload file high store (Tabs farblich in css adapt)
2nd product file product-rth_pn_system" & product-pma_160906" (if supplement Addon already installed not necessarily) in the ACP under 'Add ons & plagued in that / Add ons administer' import.
3: Noted please that "can reject" requested harvest confirmations of private messages on no stands in the user groups!
Attentions only do not carry out stored become if the PN's IT!!
Carry out 4th SQL query:
(Copy of sent messages standard moderate in the postal service exit store)
UPDATE user SET option = option + 33554432 WHERE NEEDS (option & 33554432);
5: If no TMS in the use is carry out the Template changes per hand!!