This thread (original thread and post) is an (obvious) example of what is wrong with the world.
.... a lot of people who are never going to have the credentials, experience, education and training to run for high public office just being negative, ugly and disgraceful toward someone who does have the credentials, experience, education, background (and the votes!) to be elected leader of the world's largest economy.
This type of behavior is no different than a big, fat, guy with a big beer belly, sitting in front of his TV, with bags of used potato chips and empty beer cans on the floor, burping and screaming negative comments to a pro footballer footballer in fine shape, playing the game to the best of his ability.
Instead of hurling all the negative insults at someone with an obvious high(er) social and political status (and who was honored by the Nobel committee), go work on your forums and do something constructive..... :up:
Hate does nothing to improve the world.