This product does not work and should be archived, because anyone and everyone will receive a Database Error when trying to go to the User CP.
The db error message itself:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
count(postid) AS count
FROM reputation
WHERE reputation.userid = 1;
MySQL Error : Table '{forumdb}vb.reputation' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Friday, October 9th 2009 @ 03:35:38 AM
Error Date : Friday, October 9th 2009 @ 03:35:38 AM
Script : {sitearea}/usercp.php
Referrer : {forum domain}/index.php
IP Address : **.**.**.***
Username : {username}
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.51a-log