Originally Posted by choccyclaire
I saw your post before you edited lol. I did that request; if you are still interested, scroll up to original posts.
i edited because my custom page was appearing at the bottom of my forum lol, basically i had the header and navbar repeating its self. but your update worked as i wanted, thanks so much. i now have this hack on its own page. cheers
edit: choccyclaire, can i ask how this archive page works please?
eg: say i write out a member of the week and click submit in admincp MOTW.
then i fill the form out again and click submit, does the newest MOTW appear at the top?
actually this is hard to explain so sorry if im not making sense.
i just cant find an archive template to make the archive php page.
what i did was made a php page in public_html for the template "MOTW" editing and adding the header,navbar and footer into that template and called it mysite/motw.php and put a link on my forum to that page. but as for the archive page im kinda lost on how i would go about making it. sorry maybe a silly question and maybe i have missed something.
maybe you can share how you made your archive page please?
thanks heaps.