Sorry for reviving a months-old thread, but I find myself in a similar predicament here.
However, I'm attempting to modify it somewhat.
I have a 2.2GB InnoDB post table. (We had changed it over from MyISAM after using Sphinx to be able to get rid of the FULLTEXT search.) I find that it is much too large for our little 540 Linode to handle.
Instead, I am planning on creating an "Archive" system, where Mods can toss threads into an Archive forum (and maybe have the Admins able to batch enter them into a new table, unless it would be better to just do it each time a Mod moves a thread there). This new table would be MyISAM, as MyISAM has a higher read rate if I am not mistaken than InnoDB. Since there would not be very many writes to it (only when Mods archive a thread), I would not have to worry about table locking issues, which is why I considered InnoDB in the first place.
I say "this table," but it would actually be two tables: one for a post_archive and one for a thread_archive. It would take the content from the InnoDB "live" tables, insert it into the "dead" MyISAM tables, and kill the shit on the InnoDB "live" tables.
I would have to configure another search index (or dozen, lol) on Sphinx, I would need the two tables, and I would have to replicate the "showthread" and "showpost" pages for the archive... Am I missing anything here?
Also, has there ever been a Mod written for this? I'd be happy to share my steps if not, and my results.