Originally Posted by Dismounted
MSE is surprisingly decent thank-you-very-much! 
I downloaded the Vista 64bit version and XP 32bit,my neighbour tried the 32bit XP.
Install and 1st thing you have to do is update......................... 3.5 hours on an 8 meg connection for me and next door on a LLU 24meg was 2+ hours.
Tested against some virus test utilities it failed utterly to prevent intrusion and data collection and nothing was found on a scan.
3 days later the screen is still showing Green/Ok and states it is up to date......... 3 days zero updates? Click update and low and behold we get an update version which shows there have been 3 previous new file sets.
First run on 2 test machines Windows pops up a warning that it has blocked a start up program ......... yes MSE. Tell it to allow and on each restart the same thing happened.
Where is the protection for email/messaging? The free AV utilities have been giving that for years.
Sorry but there is no way I am going to trust my machines to MSE. I thought having read some glowing reviews that we had something really great to use............