Originally Posted by blackberry
its not working for me
whenever i click on run sitemap generator
its gives me this error
any fix will be appreciated thanks
Increase your wait time between file making to 30, increase your total links per file to 40,000. Doing these *should* lower your memory usage. I am not a dev for this mod, so I could be wrong. These have helped me though.
Sitemap Settings -> Max URLs in Sitemap Files -> 40000
Sitemap Settings -> Delay Execution After Each Sitemap File -> 30
Also take a read on the following posts, because it looks to me like you are pushing entirely too much data to the engines (243 site files? Really?):
The original post can be found here with even more SEO information
Originally Posted by Biransol's Ultimate Guide to vBSEO
In the sitemap, think lean. All you want is your main info. No bloat. The idea is not to index every little bit.. it's to index your important info. If you have more than 4 or 5 files per million posts, you're doing it wrong. I can't tell you how many times i've seen sub-million post forums with 70-odd sitemap files. Doing that is entirely counter productive. I recommend the following settings:

There is a problem introduced when you change your priorities to what Briansol has though (Sitemap will write the priorities wrong and mess up a tag within the sitemap causing google to get upset), so to avoid the issue I suggestion the following priorities (they meld with Briansol's, but avoid the issue that is introduced when using his priority settings):
Smart Frequency for Show Thread Pages: Yes
Priority Range - Show Post: 0.1-0.2
Priority Range - Member Profiles: 0.2-0.3
Priority Range - Forum Display: 0.6-0.7
Priority Range - Poll Results: 0.1-0.2
Priority Range - Show Thread: 0.9-1.0
Priority Range - Blog Entries: 0.2-0.3
Priority Range - Blog Tags: 0.2-0.3
Priority Range - Member Profile Albums: 0.2-0.3
Priority Range - Social Groups:0.3-0.4
Priority Range - Social Group Discussions: 0.3-0.4
Priority Range - Social Group Pictures: 0.3-0.4
Priority Range - Tags: 0.5-0.6
Smart Priority: Yes
Seriously, knock out a bunch of them links (most of which I'm sure are useless to you in terms of quality content in the
eyes of the all seeing, all knowing Google) out of your sitemap and not only will you see a more efficient crawl from the spiders, but since they have an easier time crawling the most important stuff, they then will have more time to spread out within your site and consume the other bits and you'll quit overloading your server's memory
