My Review:
Its a pretty nice theme, easy to navigate, easy to use, but looks really stretched. and the navbar would look alot nicer if there was more then six links on top.
- Get rid of view all albums and add a view users album mod to post bit.
- Add a gfx section and the Sig of the week mod( alot of gamers also like to use photoshop. and it gives the users more things to do.)
- adjust the sections so that it allows users to be able to talk about there favorite game much easier.
- make some custom pages for each of the most popular games.
- add a video gallery where people can upload there own videos.
- continue adding more games to the arcade
- subforums for some of the sections make it look like the website has lots of categories and still keeping a more professional look
- most people prefer when the post bit is on the side of the post.
- Add a award system so that users can show off what they have done on the website (like gotten 10 people to join the website, won contests, stuff like that, it gives users more to shoot for)
- if you know someone good with computers add a support section for people who have issues getting a game running. Helping them will get them to come back.
- when they register make it so they auto subscript to posts. it will keep them coming back when they make a post it lets them see that the forum is active.
- allow people to post there clan tags in post bit.