I think this is a great mod, just missing a few important features.
It is possible to define subscription like donations, yet unfortunately this does not use the vBulletin Paid subscription service which would be ideal for the task.
The dates displayed used should use the standards used for the respective language file. I have American users who expect the "mm-dd-yy" format and European users who expect "dd.mm.yy". Unfortunately, I can only choose one or the other. Please set this to use the language file specific settings.
I have 4 language settings on my forum. "English US", "English UK", "Deutsch (Du)" and "Deutsch (Sie) (Deutsch = German). Both "English" settings" show the Donation bar correctly. Both German settings always show 0 USD received and an empty bar despite donations being present. How do I fix that?
When I set the system to display the list of donors, it is possible to prevent the actual amounts being displayed, but this can still be guessed due to the display of "Subscribed for xx months" on the list. This allow this text to be optionally removed as well.
I strongly suggest this mod to be altered to optionally initiate the paid subscription service to implement the payment and subscriptions. This would have several advantages.
1. Subscriptions could be paid and activated for the requested time automatically. No need to manually check and apply subscriptions
2. The donor is immediately given access to the VIP group and the donation is immediately shown on the donation bar.
3. Most importantly, the subscription will automatically expire at the end of the subscription period
4. A reminder is sent to the donor at the end of the period, thereby possibly encouraging a new donation.
If this could be properly implemented, this mod would be truly ideal.