Originally Posted by FootyFansForum
I am launching my forum tomorrow. I need help!
I need a free plugin or something that will turn my links into stuff like this:
Instead of /member.php?u=2 it should be /member.php?u=Nath
Instead of /showthread.php?p=24 it should be /showthread.php?p=upcoming-fixtures
I want to block my members and moderators and everyone apart from my admins to be able to change their user title.
Where do i edit the allowed size for a signature image.
Is there a plugin where if some one posts a big image, it automatically gets shortened, and if you click the image, it takes you to the url of the image with the original size.
I also need a latest news plugin that only logged in members can see. Just something on the home page, underneath the menu bar, where i can write the latest news on the forum. Once again, i only want my members to see this, not guests.
Kind Regards,
Ok, about the links thing I am not sure which modification does this, I think its vB SEO, not sure..
For the user titles:
1- AdminCP > Usergroups > Usergroup manager > edit one by one setting the option "Can Use Custom Title" to NO except the admin usergroup.
right here you can also edit all the signature permissions .. just search (ctrl+F) for "Signature Permissions"
and the image resizer:
it works on vb 3.8 ..