Howdy peeps,
I have been trying to figure out how to make all "levels" of my forums all show up on the main page. What I mean by that is I have the main forums setup by geographical areas and then within each, they are subdivided by areas within the main area and in those, I have further subdivisions. An example is this:
Numismatic Discussion Forums (main level)
North America (level 2)
United States (level 3)
Various Forums (level 4)
Canada (level 3)
Greenland (level 3)
Saint Pierre & Miguelon (level 3)
Bermuda (level 3)
On the main page all I can see is the North America level and none of the sub-levels below it but on other Main Forums, that only have one sub-level, the sub-levels are viewable on the main page, it's only the forums that have 2 or more sub-levels that won't show up.
I know there has to be a "Show Level" function somewhere but I've either overlooked it or not found it yet and I need help finding it (I lost my map).
Ps: If my explanation isn't understandable, then go look at my forum:
Notice North America and how there is no collapsible thingy and then click on North America and see what all is "under" it.

I want all of that to show up on the main page, with the ability to collapse it (user defined).
--------------- Added [DATE]1254233332[/DATE] at [TIME]1254233332[/TIME] ---------------
Pps: Under "vBulletin Options" / "vBulletin Options" / "Forum Listings Display Options" there are sections that look like what I'm talking about but I have those set to 4 and it does nothing.