This is a translation, sorry if you do not understand something.
Hi, everyone, do not know if this problem has already emerged in this thread, but with 5640 messages, it is an outrage, here's what I get updated to version 2.4.2.
In a laptop, I get this line of code:
Warning: in_array () []: Wrong datatype for second argument in [path] / includes / mgc_cb_evo / class_misc.php on line 355
This comes on top of the forum.
In the other computer that does not leave, both of firefox.
I activated the audible beeps, but you can deactivate the alarm sound upgrade?, Very upset.
When I create a new topic is perfect, but when you reply to a message created get this error:
Responded to the issue: [ARG: 4 UNDEFINED]
Do not leave the buttons off the notifications, and sounds.
You have some tutorial in order to optimize this hack?
Thank you very much for this, hack, for me is perfect.
I admire your courage for us to have forums, best day.
A greeting.