Originally Posted by Paul M
The only person getting offended is you.
The history details list the following ;
Therefore I asked you "What issue ?", a simple enough question.
You also posted details of an edit to getxml.php, that IMO is both unnecessary and a pretty bad idea. I'm not going to advise people to do that, sorry if that offends you, but thats how it is.
Paul I have a huge amount of respect for you. I'm just one of those people who gives it my best shot before crying to the guy who made the "Free Mod" I'm using. If I can help a few others out along the way then great.
I also understand what the history details are stating as well. Maybe it's another mod causing it to not work for me. Maybe it's the style I made.
I read
MrD had a similar problem and didn't see the need to ask the same question twice.