Hey Guys,
I have been doing a ton of vBulletin mods lately and not having this stuff fully implemented is killing me, so I will be further developing this ASAP.
The new system I'm working on has two components:
1) Runtime loading of project data (templates, plugins, phrases, etc.)
2) Product XML builder - probably with CLI support and Web support
There will be a ./projects directory, and each project is a directory under it. Project folders will contain a templates, plugins, phrases, etc. dir for the relevant content. A lot of it will be taken from what I had in SVN, and some new.
I am taking a different approach on the runtime component: instead of checking for changes and rebuilding everything, I'm just loading it into memory so nothing ever gets imported into the database. After a lot of thinking, I have concluded that it's not necessary and is going to cause way too much overhead for larger projects.
On a side note, I will not be using SourceForge for the new code - it will be on a public git (github) repo instead.