Originally Posted by peleh
Hi, it worked fine here on 3.8.2
But, is it possible to resize images inside post review? When i click Reply a topic that have big pictures, and roll down the page, those pictures doesn't get resized.
Edit: Solved, there was a conflict with some BB code image resizer that i was using.
But theres another bug, Max Width and Max Height get in conflict with each other, if a set the height too high, beyond the width value, the image obey the highest value.
Same here. I basically had to give up resizing height for this reason once my members learned they could defeat it with a really tall wide image and still bust the margins of my forum. So now they spam super tall skinny images, oh well at least margins aren't busted!
I just wish there was a mod out there to prevent hotlinking gigantic (size, not dimension) images. Hate it when someone hotlinks five 30 MB images just to slow down the site.