Thank you...
First off I highly recommend using TMS
This will allow you to install mods like this but yet not manualy make any template changes which then allows for much easier upgrades without getting the out of date custom template messages. Uninstalling is as easy as disabling or deleting the TMS entry. No more reverting and pooring over code for changes!
So to place this in the Bookmarks section of your site (Manualy):
1. In your ACP under VBulletin options go to the Social Bookmark manager. Disable everything (uncheck)
EXCEPT for 1 item. I left Google checked.
2. Find the showthred_bookmark template
<if condition="$bookmarksite['iconpath']">
<a href="$bookmarksite[link]" target="socialbookmark"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/$bookmarksite[iconpath]" border="0" alt="<phrase 1="$bookmarksite[title]">$vbphrase[submit_thread_to_x]</phrase>" class="inlineimg" /></a>
<a href="$bookmarksite[link]" target="socialbookmark" style="text-decoration:none">$bookmarksite[title]</a>
Replace with the code you get from the site as noted in the authors post.
Thats it.