Originally Posted by bada_bing
I have upgraded to 1.9 and I dont see the facebook block on my vb profile page even though I have enabled it in the facebook controls in usercp
1.8.2 Allow member to display a block contain their recent posts from Facebook
Originally Posted by bada_bing
Also can someone explain who the fan list works ? where is it grabbing this information from?
Originally Posted by redlabour
Same for me.
I guess Friendlist? 
Originally Posted by bada_bing
No some of these are not on my friends list in VB thats why I ask where is this plugin getting the fans list from
The Fans List actually contains your fans because they are the people who most reply to your threads

And yeah, it's not that simple Friend list at all
About the profile block. It's highly chance that privacy settings prevented us to fetch information. Try using another Facebook account and tell me the result, okie? In case it still doesn't work, you can turn on the DEBUG mode and... Well, if it doesn't work, give me your forum URL and I will come by and check it out