Originally Posted by Peter Walker
Hi Peter,
Must have been my mistake when posting. I am pretty certain that I did use /forums everywhere, but will be sure to check that. I should just learn not to post in the late evening hours
Update: Just checked, and it is correctly defined in the file:
require_once( "$IP/includes/DefaultSettings.php" );
define( VB_SYSTEM_PATH, '/var/www/vhosts/afterworldforum.com/httpdocs/forums' );
#require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vBSSO.php" );
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
Update 2:
Just noticed something weird. In my VPS file manager, I did not see the AuthLogin file. I could see it from my FTP folder, which is where I had been editing it, but for some reason, that obviously failed to get it working properly. I instead uploaded the file through the VPS File Manager (after renaming the other file in FTP), and that seemed to do the trick
Still baffled an uploaded file doe not somehow not show up, but I guess I'll bug my host about that one.
Update 3: D'OH. My FTP client was pointing towards the OLD FTP site. Since I installed wiki before the migration, the environments looked identical, and I just never noticed.
Wiki-SSO is working great now, so the hack works on MediaWiki 1.15 as well.
Vielen dank fur deine hilfe, Peter. Kann ich dir mals ein bier kaufen wann du nach Danmark kommst?