Just installed this on a test server. It looks very v?ry awesome. I'm actually impressed with just how good it looks.
It works very good as well. Had little troubles installing the addon (feared installing it a bit because of the warning, but it was actually kinda easy) and an AJAX installer is quite a nice feature.
Just a few small comments and questions, hope you might be able to answer them.
In the installer, the instructions are the same as they are on this forum. That's a good thing, but it also says to first upload the files and go to the install link. (while obviously you already did that to read that message in the first place). Doesn't matter, just a small detail.
I was wondering, is it possible to just upload any mp3 file from your computer, or might that get possible in the future? I do understand the issues (users uploading large file sizes and so on) but with the right restrictions this might be a useful feature.
Also, is it possible, or will there be plans to add a function for members to suggest a new category / artist and so on, so admins can look at it and decide whether or not they want it to be added? As stated before, it's probably not that smart to let members be able to add artists on their own, but if they can do a suggestion and the admin can approve or disapprove that might make it a lot easier to get a large amount of artists and songs.
It's probably due to my own overlooking, but where can you add something to your playlist?
And finally, after importing the who's online plugin, nothing seems to happen. Is there something I'm supposed to do after that? I can't find it anywhere in any of the options or configurations.
Thanks for any answers you can give me, and thanks again for this great mod.