Originally Posted by turbosatan
Execute SQL Query
SELECT count(*) FROM tag_proposition WHERE status=4
Results: 1 (0.0003s), Page 1 of 1
i did use an automatic thread tagger about 1 year ago when first one was released but i could not get it to work properly so i scrapped it and did nto use it.
it may have been that that other mod created the tags and then your mod applied them to all of the threads. i guess that is possible.
the issue i have is that i want to get rid of all the tags and start again from scratch now
Your mod did process a lot of threads when i first click on the add tags to all threads option in admin cp
EDIT:- i foudn the answer here http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=317440
to delete all tags
Man - this mod have no 1 year yet. You wrote that this mod made you lot of tags -
it is not this mod. You are writing on wrong thread.
Also - those 2 queries will remove all tags and tags associations you have - also those tags which you made manually.
Please go to author of mod which made this mess in your tags and ask him does he marks tags added automatically - this way you will be able to remove only garbage tags by appropriate condition in WHERE clause.
Also - 2nd query is not needed - my mod gives you possibility to clear all tags associations and it makes it nicely, because it made cleaning after that using vb function (note that tags association are cached in thread table).