Confirmed working SEO links on forums with vbSEO and subdirectory in URL!!! (required additional step for .htaccess file - see in first post)
Confirmed working with vbSEO 3.3.1
Also Some little bug fixes.
Finally SEO links are working for everyone

If you will have any trouble with making translations working - please before you ask about anything go to first post where is FAQ. And most important
FALLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS. I just spend 2 nights fighting with vbSEO 3.3.1 on some guy forum, but there was no problem with new vbSEO at all. I just lose 2 days trying to find bug only because some guy changed mod .htaccess rules which have to be only copied and he claimed that problem is with new vbSEO. And at this particular moment I have enough
So enjoy the new version. Hopefully without any surprises. And if you manage any issues making translations working first make this effort and read the FAQ fallowing the instructions. And without making it several times and being absolutely sure that you have everything set appropriately, please do not bother me

Because my first answers will be -
read the FAQ, also read and set all options for mod appropriately.
I should start charging people who claim that did everything like is written, and then occurs than they didn't. It would be fast way to became millionaire