Originally Posted by mp3u
Hi Yilamez, thank you for the quick reply - you are the first coder to answer any of my newbie questions!:up:
I've read through the thread but I still can't understand how to add the images (most of the posts in this thread are not from native English speakers and everyone seems to have a very good grasp of code). There doesn't seem to be anywhere in the Mod CP to point towards the images...
It would be great if you could put up a very basic step by step guide for newbies to make this work. The translation software is making things difficult to understand.
Properly written in English by Mr
Guitarlogan (
I hereby thank you for the wonderful help to Guitarlogan)
Bugs have been fixed.
Another friend also had 2 separate posters
is yes
vendor needs to do only
product-otofilmseriti_6_yilmaz_oto_kayan_en_auto_thumbnail .xml to download and install.