^-- Generally the only way you would do this reliably is with some sort of irc bot (eggdrop/emech) in the channel that you have people join. I'm sure you could do it with the built in vBulletin "What is the current user doing" field but I doubt this would work, as generally people open a new window and then continue browsing the forum.
I run a heavily modified version of this mod, and one thing that others might find handy for connecting to certain IRC networks is removing all of the special characters out of peoples nicks.
It's easily done, just edit the pbjirc.php file, and find the "//get username" line, just below that, replace the existing "$vbjirc['username'] = " with this:
$vbjirc['username'] = substr(ereg_replace("[^+A-Za-z0-9]", "", $vbulletin->userinfo['username']), 0, 15);
That will remove anything that's not alphanumeric (Including spaces), and truncate the length of the username to 15 characters. Change the last 15 to what ever you want (If not 15, generally 9).